This weekend I completed the review. It's mammoth. It has videos.
In other news, I've been exploring the outside world. Through happy circumstance I stumbled into a really motivating exercise class.
Friends have visited, games have been played, books have been read, movies have been watched, gadgets have been utilized, problems have been hacked, and lots of food has been eaten.
One nice thing about time in the outside world is that it gives us a lot of inspiration for blogging.
Hang onto your hats, people! We may start posting with intensity. Once, maybe even twice a week.
So what have you been up to?
P.S. We also redecorated the blog, so if you feedreader folks want to stop by and tell us how much you miss the old 565 Blogger template, we're happy to hear your thoughts.
***Baby Toolkit is the independent opinion of some slackers who periodically write about geek parenting.
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